Make smarter decisions, work more efficiently, and create even more positive change in the world.
Every organisation has data, from spreadsheets of facts and figures through to complex Power BI dashboards. We can help you answer the question what does this really mean? And what do I do with it?
Our team of data experts can help you make sense of those numbers, provide insights into what is working and what's not, pull together complex data and translate it into the actionable.
Our data analytics and insights consulting services help organisations leverage the power of data to make informed decisions and drive tangible results. We believe that data analytics is not just about numbers – it's about deriving actionable insights from data, which guide strategic decisions that contribute to the wellbeing of the people of Aotearoa.
Trusted by the sector
Outside of their work with Recordbase, the Tūtohi team are trusted across the community sector for their data expertise. The Ministry of Health relies on their work with the national PRIMHD dataset to provide official quarterly reporting figures for DHB performance monitoring returns, and the Covid-19 online data platform created by Tūtohi has been endorsed by Platform Trust, Equally Well, Whāriki and Te Pou, among others.