Tupuānuku Research – lived experience survey of physical health care

Published by Aandrea Murray on

In partnership with the Equally Well collaborative, Drs Ruth Cunningham, Debbie Peterson and Helen Lockett and colleagues at the University of Otago are conducting research to understand the physical health care experiences of tāngata whai ora which will inform changes to health services and systems.

Tupuānuku project, Our research interests, University of Otago, Wellington, University of Otago, New Zealand

As part of the Tupuānuku research project, the team are asking anyone with mental health or addiction experiences to complete a confidential survey on their experiences of physical health care.

Your experiences of any part of health services are important to hear about, such as going to the GP, pharmacist, dentist, having a vaccination or appointments and treatments with heart services, eye clinics etc…

This is a great opportunity to have your say and share experiences, good and bad, to bring much needed systemic and practice changes across the health system.

Visit the information page for eligibility details. If you are not able to participate, then please share this survey with anyone who you think may want to take part. We would love for the voices of many tāngata whai ora to be heard!

To access the survey, please click here.